ETSS Survivor Care Services

Our Survivor Care Services aims to empower
immigrants and refugees in Franklin County.

Our mission is to raise awareness, educate, empower, and provide the needed resources when domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or stalking occurs.
Our professional and culturally sensitive staff have worked with survivors from over 30 countries and keep all information confidential.
Our goal is for you and your family to be safe.
If you are in danger, call 911.

ETSS Adult Services include a variety of programs aimed to help new arrivals develop the skills they need to become self-sufficient.
The transition to life in the US can require advocating through Family Care for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking.
Programs are culturally sensitive, relevant and located in the neighborhoods where our clients live.

Advocacy and Case Management
The ETSS Survivor Care Services Program provides advocates for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking to work.
An ETSS Survivor Services Care Advocate will listen to your story and help to assist you in your next steps. Your advocate can help develop safety plan, be with you during legal proceedings, or simply offer guidance.
To reach a bi-lingual advocate Monday-Friday please call:

Educational Presentations
The ETSS Survivor Care Services Program is committed to providing the community with tools and information needed to recognize and combat domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.
We share this information through educational presentations tailored to fit the audience. Our staff is well trained and experienced in working with individuals from a variety of backgrounds.
Please contact Amy Harcar, Family Care Program Manager, at (614)-949-2916. These services are free of charge.
Domestic violence can happen in any community
at any time and may include:
Abuse: physical, mental, emotional, verbal
Violence: hitting, kicking, choking, forced sex (rape)
Isolation: keeping you from friends/family, needing permission to use the phone or leave home
Intimidation: stalking (harassment), selling your jewelry, taking your immigration documents
Economic: taking your paycheck or refusing to allow you access to work or education
Using your children: saying you are a bad parent, threatening to take your children away
Trafficking: Threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving payments or benefits to a person in control of the victim
For more information on these and other areas,
please visit The Office for Victims of Crime.

Sole Shop
ETSS Survivor Care Services serves immigrants and refugee survivors who experience domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault. The Sole Shop provides clothing, hygiene, and household items for families.
The Sole Shop takes donations:
New Underwear & Socks
Kroger Gift Cards
Hygiene Items (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, feminine hygiene)
Household items
The greatest need is for children. Please contact amy.haracar@ethiotss.org or call 740-812-3410