ETSS Education, Employment, Empowerment Program
The Education, Employment, Empowerment (EEE) Program strives to connect New Americans with the skills and support they need to live healthy and self-reliant lives in Central Ohio.

Employability Skills, Training,
and Job Placement
Individualized employment support and job readiness training. Job skills training classes provide instruction on how to find and keep a job in the US.
These classes are offered in conjunction with ESOL classes to enhance skills in computer literacy, job readiness and financial education.
Our Employment Counselors provide individualized support for job seekers looking for basic skill opportunities as well as helping those with advanced education.
Refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and humanitarian parolees or anyone seeking job support.
Monday through Friday 9-5
ETSS office sites and other locations in the community.
ESOL Classes:
English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL classes are available for English language practice. Classes are offered in conjunction with job readiness training, financial education, and computer literacy.
Refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, humanitarian parolees or anyone interested in practicing or improving their English language skills.
Monday-Tuesday 9:30-12:30
Thursday-Friday 9:30-12:30
New student orientation on Wednesday.
5918 Sharon Woods Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229

Small Business Training and Technical Assistance
A training program in conjunction with partners to provide small business training and technical assistance for New Americans who want to learn the steps of starting a business in the United States.
Participants will also receive mentorship to help navigate individual business needs.
New Americans in Central Ohio who are 21 and older and interested in starting a business.
See Website for updated training schedule: and technical assistance days.
RIDA Program
(Refugee Individual Development Account)
The Refugee Individual Development Account (RIDA) program promotes economic independence and financial responsibility by providing incentives for developing saving behaviors for New Americans.
Upon qualification to participate, the RIDA program will match the savings up to $2000 for an individual account or up to $4000 for a family account.
This program will also provide training for participants in Financial Education as well as asset-specific training for achieving their goals.
Refugees and asylees who have been in the country less than 5 years.
* For an automobile purchase, participants need to be in the country less than 3 years. Eligible participants must have earned income. Gross household earned income at the time of enrollment does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Assets at the time of enrollment do not exceed $10,000.
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
ETSS office Sites and other locations in the community.