Our Story
Helping new arrivals
from over 80 countries
ETSS is a community-based 501(c)(3) organization that helps new arrivals from over 80 countries establish roots and gain self-sufficiency in Central Ohio through programs and services.
Our staff members speak over 50 languages to provide individuals and families with the services they need.
20 Years of Service
ETSS began in 2000 as an outreach organization focused on the Ethiopian refugee and immigrant community.
Twenty years later we are engaging individuals and families from over 50 countries and cultures in programs ranging from after school and summer academic, cultural and socially competent programs to ESOL, job preparedness and placement, family and community navigator for health and mental wellness
Incorporated as a free standing nonprofit organization, and selected by the Capacity Building Initiative to receive a mini grant and technical assistance for two years.
Became a United Way of Central Ohio Member Agency
Enkutatash becomes the New American Festival in collaboration with CRIS, US Together, World Relief Columbus and Jewish Family Services
Dr. Seleshi Asfaw honored with the Business First C-Suite Award and the Molina Healthcare Ohio Community Champion Award
Dr. Seleshi Asfaw honored with the United Way of Central Ohio Richard V. Carrick Community Leadership Award, the African Distinction Humanitarian Award, the OSU African Youth League Smart 50 Award and the Columbus Business First Diversity Role Model Award
Named 1 of 5 Non Profits to Watch from the Columbus Foundation
Bracket winner of Knock Out Poverty from United Way of Central Ohio
ETSS had it’s grand opening at it’s new location in Whitehall.