Family School & Community Engagement

Family, Schools, and, Community Engagement Program is designed to support and empower English Language Learner (ELL) students and their families. The program creates a collaborative and inclusive environment where ELL students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Bilingual Engagement Liaisons,
serve as a bridge between
school and families
By offering bilingual support, resources, and guidance, the Family School & Community Engagement Program aims to ensure that ELL students and their families feel valued, engaged, and equipped to navigate both remote and in-person educational settings with confidence.
Providing culturally responsive services to families
BELs assist families with attendance, parent portal, enrollment, parent teacher conferences, transportation, community resources, and much more, in the languages families speak.
School Districts
Columbus City Schools
Pickerington Local School District
Whitehall City Schools
*Available to serve more
Contact Information
Lilu Terefe
Assist. Director of Youth Programs